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NZ Love: Interview with Kate of Lovelorn Unicorn

I stumbled across Kate's gorgeous blog Lovelorn Unicorn late last year, fell in love with the name, then the blog itself. Kate was actually one of the blog ladies who inspired me to start Pretty Zoo! She always finds the prettiest fashion photos, coolest art and design, and her food photos and recipes are magazine worthy. She lives in Wellington which is where I lived before I moved to Germany, so I secretly live vicariously through her photos to get my Welly fix!
Kate also has a sweet little Etsy store, Lovelorn Vintage!
Hope you enjoy this little interview with her and if you don't know her blog already go say hi! :)

Can you share a little bit about yourself?
Hi! I'm Kate and I blog at, I live in a sunny house in Wellington, NZ with my husband and awesome flatmates and I adore cooking, sleeping, and op shopping. I have a spare room full of vintage and a rather empty Vintage etsy store - oops, I should get onto that!

What do you love most about NZ?
I love living in Wellington. It's beautiful, easy to get around and has awesome bars and cafes. I also love the mild weather (er.. you might disagree if you visit on one of the more windy days, but at least it doesn't snow or get too hot), and it's beautiful and super relaxed.

Where would you tell someone who was going to visit NZ is 'Not To Be Missed!'?
Bay of Plenty and Coromandel for beaches, the whole South Island for it's gorgeousness. The colour of the lakes in Southland - insane!

Have you ever travelled somewhere amazing that you absolutely loved? Is there anywhere you reeeeaally wanna go?
Japan is wonderful. My huz and I went on an amazing two month road trip across the states last year and my favourite places were the Pacific Coast Highway and Austin. I've never been to Europe but I'm desperate to get to Iceland, Russia, and the Arctic.

Could you describe a day in your shoes?
A day in my shoes is not very interesting to tell you the truth! The shoes are usually brogues, and I work 8.30-5 at my temp job. After work is when the fun begins, it's any number of: cooking, hanging with my husband or friends, a BYO dinner or cider in the sun, blogging, gym, NZ Sign Language classes, or watching old movies. Sunday is my favourite day: brunch, vegetable markets, cooking, and our weekly dinner and a movie with friends.


Pretty please describe your personality in five words.
Twee, hangry, goofy, self-deprecating.

What are you dreaming about right now? Like, what makes you get a little squiggle of excitement inside?!
The possibility of booking tickets to Melbourne for June! I'm also looking forward to going to parties in honour of the Royal Wedding, I'm no royalist but I am a fan of dress ups, drinking gin from teacups and fake accents.

If you had to pack a suitcase with your very favorite things (like maybe you were running off to join the circus or something…) what would you pack?
My totoro soft toy, the quilt my Nana made me, good books, too many clothes, and snacks. Can I pack the internet? It's the best thing ever.

Can you share some of your fave NZ blogs or bloggers? 
On Dressing Up, Code for Something, So Much To Tell You and food blogs Heartbreakpie, Hungry and Frozen and Milliemirepoix.



And to finish off with some quick faves:

Fave book? Catch 22 by Joseph Heller, The History of Love by Nicole Krauss.

Fave album? Right now it's Kate Bush's 'The Hounds of Love', but I've been thrashing Jenny & Johnny's 'Scissor Runner' for a solid 6 months.

Fave accessory? My Loulou Loves You floral headband.

Fave era? 1960s.

Fave animal? Red panda. And I am a total cat lady, despite not having any kitties of my own.


Thanks so much Kate!
Confession: I secretly hope for an excuse to read back through the whole of Lovelorn Unicorn one day. You'll see why, it's the prettiest! 

Zoe xo

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Reader Comments (1)

Nice interview :3 Maybe I have to read her blog!!

take care.

ps. I send you a mss, :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterruzu

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