Pretty ♥ Pretty #6: In Dreams
Hello! So it's Pretty Pretty day again and I've left it til last minute- had a busy day of design work and cupcake making/eating :) Right now I am doing 3 things at once- blogging, toning my hair and cooking dinner (and its 10pm...) and I'm a bit sleepy.......but now after looking at all these dreamy pictures altogether, maybe later tonight I'll have some very pretty dreams! *hoping*
National Geographic August 1938
Anne & her family lived alone on an island. She enjoyed having tea time with her friends the spiny lobster and baby hawk.
(I LOVE this! So strange!)
• Pretty Ship pictures by End Of March
I loooooove all of these pictures- the colours, tones and the subjects could've have come straight out of pretty pretty dreamland! Click on the pic to go to the link if you wish :)
Sweet dreams!
Zoe xo