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Vintage hot air balloons,
wooden hearts, pretty paper
things, writing lists, good
novels, walking, beautiful
tattoos, being organized, tiny
fluffy animals, old books and
maps, snowfall, art nouveau,
pretty bits of the internet,
black French manicures.


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Pretty Zoo

Pretty Zoo

Pretty Zoo

Blog designed by Zoe Weir and
built by Freckled Nest.
All words + images are my own
unless stated otherwise.
Feel free to post about my work
but pretty please always link back.

I'm from New Zealand and I
moved to Frankfurt, Germany
in August 2010. I'm a graphic
designer, illustrator and all
round design devotee- this
is where I share the pretty
things I discover and my
everyday adventures.

more me...




New Feature!! Bite-Sized Interviews


I wanted to do something fun and more community-based on Pretty Zoo so I have a new little feature that will hopefully happen each week! It's mini interviews! 5 kinda fun silly questions that will change each week :) Today I have 3 fun bloggers answering questions. Check them out :)


Who would win in a fight? Robots or dinosaurs?
Hmmm--tough one, but I think robots would win that fight! Dinos are pretty BA but robots have the potential to be GIGANTIC...and they have lasers.

What's your dream birthday cake shape/theme?
Easiest question out of the bunch--unicorn cake and theme! I went to a Mythic Creatures exhibit a couple of weeks back just to see the unicorn! I even dressed up as a unicorn once for a fandom convention here called Dragon*Con. 

What would you do if a shop-keeper confessed their love to you?
Okay, I totally read that as "shoe-keeper" at first and was really confused for a split-second. haha  Do I know this shop-keeper prior to them confessing their love for me? If not...maybe I'd just ask for a discount. ;)

If you had a time machine, which time period would you visit?
I'd love to go back to the Victorian Era--but only if I was living in high society so that I could have a closet full of fancy dresses!

If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be? 
Probably the Walt Disney movie, Candleshoe. I loved that movie so much as a child! They use the song GreenSleeves [by Mozart] as an intricate part of the movie and I thought that was so cool when I was little. heh 


Who would win in a fight? Robots or dinosaurs?
Have you ever seen that Godzilla movie where Godzilla takes on MechaGodzilla? Big nerd moment... in the end I'm pretty sure Godzilla beats some robot transistor so I've gotta give the win to the Dinosaurs :) 

What's your dream birthday cake shape/theme?
Right now, I'd definitely have to say a tiered cake, each teir with Betty Crocker Fun Fetti Cake and frosting to look like a blue sky with clouds, rainbows and rainicorns :)

What would you do if a shop-keeper confessed their love to you?
At first, stand there gape mouthed, then stammer out a "What?" I would be super flattered and have to let the poor man down gently then FLEE! 

If you had a time machine, which time period would you visit?
That's tough!!! I'd love to visit Greece and Egypt waaaaaaaay back in the day when they were building the some of the wonders of the world.

If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be?
Call me lame but it would be a documentry like Secrets of Egypt.


Who would win in a fight? Robots or dinosaurs?
Your Mom!

What's your dream birthday cake shape/theme?

What would you do if a shop-keeper confessed their love to you?
Ohh, is it the girl from the fabric shop? Is it? Why, did she say anything? ‘Cos I’d leave my mister and marry her in a heartbeat! Hmm... fabrics

If you had a time machine, which time period would you visit?
I would go back to the 1890’s, get a monocle, a top hat and a pug (with a pug size monocle and top hat) and mingle with the fancy Ladies and Dandies and maybe try to snog up Oscar Wilde.

If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be?
Zombieland! It has Zombies! And Amusement parks! And Woody Harrelson! And Jesse Eisenberg! And Cotton Candy! Sounds like a perfect date to me ^^. 

That was fun! If you want to do a mini-fun-questioned interview I'd love to hear from you- please email me here

Zoe xo

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Reader Comments (5)

wow what a fun feature! I follow mary rebecca and have now been exposed to 3 new blogs, plus had a giggle! i'm definitely going to email about taking part next week!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRosie

this was so much fun, thanks again, dear :D

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertrisha

Haha the shopkeeper the love question reminded me of when I was the shopkeeper and a customer confessed their love to me by writing 'I think I love you" on a flyer and leaving it on the counter when I wasnt looking. He was a giant african that didnt speak much english. I got quite scared and called mall security.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterManda

There is nothing dorky about Secrets of Egypt. I think I could watch that over and over as well.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAudry

Fun! I'm looking forward to reading more of this feature :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

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