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Pretty Zoo

Pretty Zoo

Pretty Zoo

Blog designed by Zoe Weir and
built by Freckled Nest.
All words + images are my own
unless stated otherwise.
Feel free to post about my work
but pretty please always link back.

I'm from New Zealand and I
moved to Frankfurt, Germany
in August 2010. I'm a graphic
designer, illustrator and all
round design devotee- this
is where I share the pretty
things I discover and my
everyday adventures.

more me...



Entries in Old School (2)


A Family Resemblance

I was just going through a few old photos of me and my twin sister Hayley when we were teeny, and had to go back into my photos to compare us with her babies! Ever since my older nephew Toby was born, people have said he looks like me, and I think Riley looks like Hayley alot! Cute to see the pictures side by side!

Is it just me or is there a super-resemblance in these pics?!?

Can't WAIT for another skype date with these crazy boys :)

Zoe xo



Isn't this photo AWESOME? It's my Mum and Dad in 1978, they were soooo young! Like 17 or 18! I think it's hilarious!! Love the denim on denim and the retro wallpaper + cupboards! Mum sent it to me when I asked for a photo to go with this playlist (below!), inspired by the records Mum and Dad used to play all the time. Me and Hayley never liked their music and Dad would always be like, "Oh come on! You'll like this one...." and we would be like "Nooo....turn it offf....put our music on..." (Tool and Metallica!!! Hahaaa) Though I did used to borrow one of Dad's Led Zeppelin albums and compare the Tool cover of No Quarter to the original over and over a few times... :p

I know Mum and Dad are gunna read this and laugh and say Told You So! So I'll write it quick and go eat some humble pie......Soooo I-guess-your-music-was-actually-pretty-cool-and-I-kinda-really-want-your-record-collection-so-please-keep-them-safe-and-don't-give-them-away-and-I'm-sorry-we-called-it-crappy-music-and-here-you-go-now-you-can-listen-to-your-music-on-the-computer....!! (Skype me and I'll teach you how! :p)

The first two tracks are the only two songs I remember from a mix tape Dad had from who knows when, and me and Hayley used to listen to it on our tape player!
The rest of the songs span over 20 years and are ones that Mum and Dad would blast on the record player or sing around the house. I'm interested to see if any of them are way off left field though! Like, umm Zoe, I hate that song, why is it on there.... 



Let me know if you listen to it! :)

We used to have a video of me and Hayley in our walkers dancing to Three Little Birds.... wonder if we still have it? Psstt... Hayley sent me some scans of twin-baby-us photos, I'm kindof keen to share some... yeah or nah?

Zoe xo